Funny. We are brought up in a society which is run by sexually frustrated men, who have no idea how to run the government or how to go about things in the daily life itself. We are constantly told what is right or wrong, what to eat, where to sleep. We are so infuriated when someone point out our flaws that most of us would go to great lengths, to point out theirs or ruin something they have been working on.
Sometimes the most basic outcomes are initiated from something as basic as music. Personally experienced. If it weren't for Iron Maiden, I'd have not heard good music and probably never would have started clicking concerts.
Life is weird, so are we, who get sucked into its daily cycle. We dream about taking a break and doing something different, but never get around it. Maybe going to a high point in the city, smoking some marijuana would help see things differently. The world is colourful, full of textures, some thing which isn't so negative. But we see what we want to see...the negativity.
We see the things that are going wrong, not the ones that are going right. We see creed and religion, but not the human... funny really.
In the end, am just saying, thoughts of a conflicted mind.
I demand you to watch this