We were asked the same question yesterday, while entering a friend’s colony gate. I don’t know if you’ve ever noticed it is not that tough to spot a stoner amongst the crowd of ‘normal’ people. There isn’t anything wrong with the stoners, then why use the word normal for others? Simple enough, because stoners according to others and their perspective are weird and slightly strange people. A question we are often asked is, where are you going and where are you from? Not that we look strange or are wearing clothes which are mismatch or torn at places. We are dressed decently, at least most of the time.
I stone occasionally and quite enjoy my trips. I get to think a lot and ponder on things. Try to connect with my inner self and look for answers. Just because, a person has long beard, untidy messed up hair, does not mean there is something wrong with him. The strange and weird outlook is an image the society has made in its mind, that brands us as fishy.
Another thing, that has quite pissed me off is, banning psychedelic drugs in the society. Personally, I find it quite stupid. If the community is stupid enough to legalize nicotine and alcohol, legalizing marijuana and acid won’t kill them. Okay, go ahead ensure the consumption, and sale is regulated with age and environment. It is not like, I am saying it is perfectly safe for us to use them, but everything has pros and cons, and the day you start favouring between them, you loose your entitlement to judge things.
And, also, just to get few facts right, these psychedelic drugs are not addictive nor can you over doze on them.
People are scared about almost anything new in life, hence they try to stop in from happening before even trying.
Just my two cents.
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